Dental Exams & Cleanings
Preventative Dental Care
Every patient receives a thorough dental examination by Dr. Johnson and her staff at Family Dental Care. Oral cancer screening, soft tissue exam, TMJ check, a complete periodontal workup, and an in-depth record of existing restorations will be done. We organize a comprehensive treatment plan for every single patient. We start by addressing their biggest dental concerns first then prioritize the rest of the treatment plan in the manner that focuses on the most pressing matters in order. Prevention also includes regular dental exams, cleanings, and x-rays. Our registered dental hygienist will remove all calculus (tartar) and plaque from your teeth, then, the teeth will be flossed and polished for stain removal.
Semi-annual oral cancer examinations
During semi-annual check-ups, the dentist and hygienist will thoroughly look for changes and lesions in the mouth, providing a dedicated comprehensive oral cancer screening. The oral cancer examination is a completely painless process. During the visual part of the examination, the dentist will look for abnormality and feel the face, glands and neck for unusual bumps.